Online Catalogue featuring 8 artworks and the corporate logos of their respective owners.

BANNERs is a series of physical and digital Logo-Reproductions of artworks that are the most representative pieces in the corporate art collection they belong to. A Logo-Reproduction is a technique developed by C.Manz that uses the corporate logo of a respective artwork owner as a digital brush. The reproductions are made on the occasion of the exhibition celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Netherlands Association of Corporate Art Collections – VBCN. Presented both on wall-filling advertising banners and this website, the BANNERs were juxtaposed with the original artworks that served as their models.
Manz based her work on statistics made by the winners of the VBCN Open Curatorenprijs, Alix de Massiac and Vincent van Velsen. The exhibition unites the most representative and the most exceptional art works from 29 Dutch corporate art collections. It was on show from 18.12.2015 to 17.01.2016 at the VBCN OPEN SPACE in Amsterdam.